Active clear aligners represent a modern, nearly invisible solution for straightening children's teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Active aligners are removable and less noticeable, making them an appealing choice for children who are self-conscious about their smiles.

Dr Ruth Rammopo specialises in providing custom-made Active aligners that effectively address various dental alignment issues while offering the convenience and aesthetics young patients appreciate.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are custom-fitted, transparent plastic trays that gradually move a child's teeth to a desired position. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series, progressively achieving the treatment goals.

Who would benefit from clear aligners?

Children and teenagers with mild to moderate alignment issues, such as spacing, crowding, and certain bite discrepancies, can benefit from Active aligners. Dr Rammopo evaluates each patient's dental structure and maturity before recommending Active aligners, ensuring they suit this type of orthodontic treatment.

What are the benefits of clear aligners?

Active aligners offer several advantages:

  • Aesthetics: They are virtually invisible, which helps in reducing self-consciousness among children and teens.
  • Comfort: With no brackets or wires, Active aligners are generally more comfortable than traditional braces.
  • Convenience: They are removable, making it easier to eat, brush, and floss, which promotes better oral hygiene.
  • Less time in the dentist's chair: Active aligners require no regular tightening, so dental visits can be less frequent.

What does the treatment process involve?

The treatment starts with a comprehensive consultation and imaging to mould a 3D model of your child's teeth. This model is used to design a series of aligners tailored to your child's specific alignment needs.

Each aligner must be worn for at least 22 hours daily and replaced every two weeks. Dr Rammopo closely monitors progress through regular check-ups to ensure effective treatment and adjusts plans as needed.

How can you, as parents, help your children succeed with clear aligners?

Parental support is key to success with Active clear aligners. It is crucial to encourage your child to wear aligners consistently, except when eating or brushing.

Regular reminders to maintain good oral hygiene and keep up with dental appointments will help achieve the best results. Our team provides comprehensive guidance and support to both parents and children throughout the treatment process.

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