Teeth whitening

We'd all like to achieve a smile that's a little brighter and whiter. Luckily, this can be made possible with teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is a fast, simple and immediate way to get that dazzling smile you've been longing for. Our teeth whitening procedures are safe, affordable and definitely worth it.

In-office teeth whitening

The best way to get your teeth whitened is by a dental expert that is qualified to provide this work. During the treatment, we’ll do a scale and polish to make sure all extrinsic staining and build-up are removed. Next, we cover your lips, mouth and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed. Lastly, we place a gel on your teeth and aim a special heating lamp on your teeth for three 20-minute intervals. Be sure to follow our aftercare guidelines carefully to protect your teeth and ensure that your white smile lasts for longer. 

At-home teeth whitening kits

At our practice, we create custom made trays that you can use at home. You will need to wear the whitening trays for 30 minutes a day. The whitening gel is put into the custom trays, and these trays fit onto your teeth. This is an economical way to whiten your teeth, and results can usually be seen after the third day. A home kit can also be used to do touch up treatment after an in-office whitening treatment.

Tips for maintaining teeth whitening results

For the best results, do the following:

  • Avoid eating and drinking dark coloured and acidic foods and drinks
  • Avoid smoking
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Floss once a day to remove plaque
  • Gargle with mouthwash regularly. This will help kill the types of bacteria that cause plaque build-up.
  • Consider using a whitening toothpaste once or twice a week. Whitening toothpaste may remove surface stains and can help prevent discolouration. 

Need help? Give us a call

We look forward to welcoming you and caring for you.