Interceptive orthodontics

Early treatment, also known as Interceptive Orthodontics, is a phased type of orthodontics. Growth is utilised to correct developmental occlusion problems. Staging the treatment can help correct immediate problems and future issues with teeth. Interceptive orthodontics diagnoses and treats malocclusions as soon as they are detected.

Children can benefit from this early intervention practice when they lose their baby teeth prematurely, and the space for their permanent teeth begins to close up. Spacers (or space maintainers) are orthodontic appliances kids can wear in order to preserve the space for permanent teeth. If the spacers are not placed, the permanent teeth may have a lot of difficulties erupting and could damage the surrounding structures when they eventually do come out.

Does my child need interceptive orthodontics?

Here are some of the instances where we might recommend interceptive orthodontics for your child.

  • Your child has significant crowding and misalignment at the age of seven.
  • The early loss of baby teeth due to decay or injury- a space maintainer can help prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting into the space left behind and blocking the underlying permanent tooth.
  • Front teeth are protruding, making them susceptible to injury.
  • Skeletal issues such as severe underbite, overbite, open bite or crossbite.
  • Problems with speaking, biting or chewing.

The benefits of interceptive orthodontics

Interceptive orthodontics can help:

  • Correct facial asymmetry by directing jaw growth
  • Shift protruding teeth into place to decrease the risk of trauma
  • Make future treatment, if necessary, quicker, easier and more affordable
  • Avoid the need for extractions or surgery.
  • Make space for permanent teeth to come in straight.
  • Decrease crowding to prevent permanent teeth from becoming impacted or erupting at the wrong angles.
  • Alleviate problems with chewing and speaking.
  • Boost kids' self-esteem and confidence.
  • Create a stunning new smile!

Need help? Give us a call

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