General Dentistry

Routine dental check-ups are essential to prevent oral diseases and cavities. Dr Rammopo's services cover everything from dental cleanings, to emergency dental care, to extractions. Her practice offers comprehensive dental care—meaning you can have all of your family’s dental needs met with coordinated care in one convenient location.

Using the latest technology, our staff offers dental care for patients of all ages. As a qualified and capable dentist, Dr Rammopo will help your family maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for years to come.

Treatments we offer

Family oral health

Dr Rammopo's general dental services place a strong emphasis on oral hygiene and health and the prevention of oral diseases for the whole family. She recommends that you visit a dentist for a check-up and cleaning at least twice a year. Regular check-ups and cleanings are important to spot cavities and remove plaque, ensuring that your mouth and teeth remain healthy. Dr Rammopo also offers diagnostic x-rays if necessary to help diagnose potential oral issues before they become a major problem.


If your tooth has been broken or damaged by decay, Dr Rammopo will first try to repair it with a filling or crown. However, at times there is simply too much damage for the tooth to be saved. In this instance, we will remove the tooth. Patients who get braces may need one or two teeth removed to provide room for other teeth as they shift. Also, impacted wisdom teeth will need to be surgically removed.

Dental emergencies

Ignoring a major dental problem can lead to serious permanent damage, so we recommend scheduling an appointment as soon as possible in the event of an emergency. At her practice, Dr Rammpopo offers emergency care and assistance for the times you need it most. During a dental emergency, we aim to assist you quickly and effectively in a safe, comfortable environment.


When you develop a cavity, we will need to remove the decay from the tooth and use a filling to 'fill' the area. Traditionally, fillings were made from a silver-coloured material that was quite noticeable. However, at our practice, we now have more aesthetically pleasing options available, like composite fillings. These are tooth-coloured fillings that are durable and resistant to fracture. They’re a great choice if you prefer that your fillings look more natural.

Root canal treatments

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that is used to save and repair a badly damaged or infected tooth. During the procedure, we remove the infected part of the tooth, clean and disinfect it, and then fill and seal it. We recommend a root canal when there is an infection deep in the pulp of the tooth. Without proper treatment, the infection can become more serious, making tooth extraction necessary.

Need help? Give us a call

We look forward to welcoming you and caring for you.