Fissure sealants

Fissure sealants

What are fissure sealants?

Fissure sealants are a protective layer that we apply on the chewing teeth (molars) to reduce the risk of tooth decay and cavities. The sealants provide a barrier against bacteria that cause plaque. Applying a sealant is painless and quick, and painless. Fissure sealants are commonly used on children's teeth to help protect their milk teeth.

Does my child or I need fissure sealants?

We may recommend fissure sealants if you or your child has large grooves or pits in the teeth. However, Dr Rammopo will discuss with you whether or not they are necessary as not all teeth with fissures need sealants.

We may recommend sealants for your child's first molar teeth, which appear at around 6 years old. The back teeth emerge at around 13 years and should be checked to see whether sealants are needed. Some adults also get sealants if there is already some tooth decay. The sealant can help limit future decay.

Fissure sealants procedure

Having fissure sealants applied is a relatively quick and painless procedure. It usually takes a few minutes per tooth and is much less complicated than a filling placement. The procedure doesn't require any drilling or anaesthetic. During the procedure, Dr Rammpopo will clean and dry the tooth and then prepare the tooth surface so that the sealant bonds well. Next, she will paint on the liquid sealant, which will flow into the pits and deep grooves. Lastly, she bonds and hardens the sealant with a strong light.

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